Thursday, 11 July 2013

SOA Human-Task : setting expiry at runtime

Steps to set expiry at runtime for human tasks

1. create and initiate a task with expiry time as 5 mins
   lets say the task was initiated at 6:00 PM
2. From the BPM worklist/workspace confirm that the task's expiry time is 6:05 PM 
3. From BPM worklist/workspace Admintsration > Task Configuration Page  confirm that the expiry time is 5 mins
4. Edit the task from Task Configuration Page and modify the expiry time  to 10 mins
5. Click on "Save" button, observe the following confirmation
   Task metadata for this task saved successfully
6. Click on "Commit" button, observe the following confirmation
   Task metadata for this task commited successfully
7. initiate another task from EM
   lets say the task was initiated at 6:10 PM
8. From the BPM worklist/workspace confirmed that the task's expiry time is 6:20 PM

We will have to "Save" the changes followed by "Commit"
- the change gets persisted into the dehydration store only when both these operations are performed.

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